Thursday, August 25, 2016

9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life


reflection: Being involved in good works is doing something good for you and others as well. Being involved is a good thing to do say you want to join in a club like M.E.C.H.A its a good thing because you meet new people it looks good in college applications and other stuff. You get to learn a lot new thing about latin culture. Getting in and being involve helps you through out your life because your experiencing new things everyday. It helps you become a better person and you can use that to help other people to get involved and for them to become a new better person. I think we need more people like this because say your not doing anything nor being active getting involve on stuff can help you distract you from other things in your life that are no good for you. Adding on , it can be beneficial to those who you are helping out it can be children. adults,and elderly. Coming from my experience i can say happily that being involved is great. Not only because you get to meet new people but knowing that your helping others. The great thing about being involve is that you go out in field trips do many activity that are beneficial to you and others. When your involve in good work you always get a good out of it. What i mean by that is you getting experience and knowing you can use it later on. Thats why is good to choose the right.

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Quote: "Dont worry about being a star, worry about doing good work,and all that will come to you"
 by: Ice cube 

Reflection: I choose this quote because i agree on what ice cube is saying and if your good good things come to you.

Friday, August 19, 2016

9 ways to be happy and make something of your life

Gordon B. Hinckley

1.Be Grateful 

Being grateful leads  positive attitude and happiness. Being grateful is a good feeling because its pretty much saying that you appreciate on what you have. It may not be alot of what you want or have but, be grateful that you have the stuff you need. Such as education, love, care, friends, family,clothing, shoes,and electronics. Many people are not grateful on what they have which is okay because i think that one day they will understand what being grateful. Also, like how i stated before it leads to positive attitude by now yourself is doing something good that brings others joy and will thank you from it. Grateful is something everybody should be open minded because thats when you know that your not selfish. I am grateful for many things in my life and i may not always get what i want but i can sure say that i am grateful on what i have. I ask for no more i already have enough and im grateful for my parents and friends. I am grateful for my parents cause they help me out on stuff such as when i need advice and i am grateful the way they raised me cause it is a handle to raise a teenager. I am grateful for my friends because they give me as well good advice and they always have my back when i need them. Adding on there just the best because they also bring out the good out me and i am grateful to have them in my life.

Quote: " Life is full with give and take. Give thanks take nothing for granted"

Reflection: I will apply to being grateful by understanding more ad appreciate the things i have in my life. Also, knowing that i will take nothing for granted. 

 Reflection: Being smart about everything such as making good decisions,book smart,knowing what to do, always a step forward and there is many more things that involves of being smart. When I hear about the words "Be smart" I think about making decisions wisely choosing the right from wrong and knowing when to. For instance, say your friends tell you there is a party friday night and they tell you to go but you know you cant yet your friends are going to help sneak out and forcing you to join. That is not the right thing to do and your friends arent really your friends if they keep insisting something that you dont want to do and knowing that your the who is going to get in trouble. You have to be smart about what you do or what you get yourself into because at the end of the day your the one who has the responsibility. I believe that everybody is smart no one is below basic they and everybody knows from right to wrong. Being smart carries a lot of rewards because if you try your hardest in your education obviously you will get a special reward and its a good knowing that your choosing the right to be bright enough to think about your future. Also, being smart can change the way of living because no one would want to live a lie. Thats why being smart is an important thing that makes your life a better place to live.

Quote: "Be smart be intelligent and informed" by Tony

Reflection: I choice this quote because i agree with Tony thats all you have to do and your the who choose to be those three things.

4.Be Clean 
Reflection: In my perspective being clean helps you of being organized. Being clean and organized is a good technique that everyone should keep in mind. What if one day you have a project to do and four of your classmates are going to work on the project at your house ,yet you know its not clean. I think that will be an embarrassment because there your guest and you need to show them that your very neat. Also, you wouldn't want your parents constantly telling to do this do that because i know you get tired of them telling what to do. Thats why is best if you do it on your own with no one  telling you what to do. It leads to impressing your parents and showing that you are responsible. Another example say you work on a office and you have clients  coming in and your room is dirty what do you think the clients think?. Probably thinking why did i acme here , Im not going to buy anything from the seller. Thats why is best to be clean because you wont get customers who are intrested. Thats why its important to be clean and to stay clean.
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Quote:"Clean up your mess" by Robert Fulghum 
Reflection: Based on this quote i agree with Robert because if you made the mess you are responsible to clean it up.
5. Be True 
Reflection: I think that being true to yourself is one of the most important things because if your not true with yourselves kinda seems that you dont have respect for yourself. Adding on i know many people lie to protect others however they end finding out the truth. For instance,say your taking a test and your classmate lets you copy and the teacher already assumes that your cheating but your friend who let you copy backs you up by saying he was asking me for an eraser. I think if your not true to yourself is really bad however people do not know the reason why there like that,. Thats why its important to ask and to try to help the people because honestly there just hurting others and themselves. If you live a true life it is healthy for you and people would want to be your friend because they gain your trust. You dont want no one thinking your a bad person and your trust worthy. In my perspective if you live in a lie is like saying that your fake.  Many people are very honest and true about themselves which is a good thing because thats how people are going to remember you. Wouldnt  you want people saying good and honest about you because thats the way you were taught to be and you may change the people in a good way. 
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Quote: "being true to yourself is better than being a liar" 
Reflections: This quote tells me hoe important your characteristics valuable to your own self because it contains the good honest in you.
6. Be positive 
Reflection: Being positive is a great thing for yourself and others. Its like a motivation because your constantly setting your mind to do good things. Also, being positive in life its a great thing to do because your letting yourself be good and good to others. For instance, say that a really close friend lost a family member and he/she been in depression and you could help that person to get out of that situation because its not healthy for her to be in depression all the time. Another example would be saying that you try out for basketball and you keep doubting yourself that you were not good enough and you wont make it and someone is trying to motivate and to think positive. Its really good if you think positive because then you wont have any problems with yourself of how hard life is. The more positive thinking the more you will succeed in life. Because its already setting your mind to never give up and saying your willing to try your hardest at whatever life throws you. Then everyone one see how easy it is to achieve your goals if you stay positive through out your experiences. They will look up to you and also will take advice in life because being positive brings happiness. 

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Quote: "Find a place were there is joy and joy will take out the pain" 
by Joseph Cambell 

Reflection: I chose this quote because i agree and its true what his saying everyone deserves to find happiness and to not let the blue to come in your life. 
7.Be Humble 
Being humble means showing a modest or a low estimate of ones importance. Another word would be respectful. Being humble is important because it shows independent and shows you how good is to have less important of anything else but what you have to get through in order to complete your goal. Also, it helps to avoid any problems because your focus on yourself and only yourself. For instance, say you won an award for your attendence but you were happy yet you didnt rub it on someone else face. Also, thats your very nice that you wont insult no one nor turn on some one back. Being humble is basically your in own bubble. That you have nothing to to care of but yourself it kinda seems like being selfish but not exactly. Take more like if you want ir need to focus on yourself more. which is a good thing thats why it imporant. 
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Quote: "Be humble in your confidence yet courageous in your character"

Reflection: I agree with this quote because its saying take the next step dont be afraid believe in yourself. 

8.Be still
What does it mean to be still. I think what it means is to be patient. I think that being patient plays a big role of yourself. Lets say that your an very impatient person and your boss tells you to go park his car because he needs to be prepared for a meeting ,so you rush down stairs and get his car and the parking lot is on the other side if the building and theres a bunch of traffic and your yelling and beeping at other cars like if its there fault basically you do not want to get a bad repuatation. Also, what it means is to take a break of your hard work and just relax and have a little of enjoy your time. For instance, say you worked really hard on making customers very proud and now you need or deserve a break for you own it like a reward. Thats why its good to be still and succeed. 
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quote: " learning how to be still ,to really be still and let life happen that stillness becomes radiance''
 Reflection: I choice this quote because its saying go with the flow and do good and you will get greatness out of. 
9.Be prayerful
Being prayerful to me means hope.Also, a person with lots of faith in there self or in something they do with passion. Adding on, also describes a person who never gives up on what they believe.I Think im prayerful because i do believe in myself oh how i can succeed in life and to always move on forward to never take steps behind even when life gets tough.   This is the last 9 ways to be happy and make something of your life.The one that is going to stick with me is the first one which is to be Grateful and take nothing for granted. I think being grateful is the most important one for me because i always appreciate the stuff what my family, and friends do for me. The second one that describes me is being humble i do not like showing off. I tend to just go with the flow and yes i will be proud of myself of how much put in work.Be true is my third important to me because in order to succeed you need to be true to yourself and others who might depend on you in the future. The fourth is to be clean i tend to be well organized even when i dont have time. Whats a good way to be organized is to have an agenda trust me it helps a lot it makes it easier for you. My fifth id to be positive I can be positive at times but some times it is hard to always think positive because the negative thinking comes and tries to take over your whole comfort zone and that is not good. Thats why its important to speak up with some one you trust because they will always be there for you. To be smart it really commits for you to work your hardest on everything. I choice this to be the 6 because i know that everyone is smart some just choose to be ignorant and lazy. I am still working on this one because there is still a lot for me to learn on and there is so many beautiful things in life. The 7 i picked to be involve in good works because i still need to work on that however i am joining a club today which is good and thats a start. My last option that i need to work on is to be still because i tend not take a break when i deserve a break but i dint because if you really want something you go for it and dont give up. The Ways to be happy and make something in your life will be in my mind till the day i die because i want to live happy for the rest of my life i dont want to stuck on some thing and just to give up. I will be committed to the things i want to achieve.

The 9 Ways Concluding words
 Image result for gordon b hinckley
by: Gordon B. Hinckley 

"There they are, nine Be's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or women. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose in your life and give direction to your energies.

   They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that will pull you down and deflect you from your course.
 This is the time to be happy. this the time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What i have tried to put forth are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell certain kinds of things will bring you happiness - things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.

If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better. 

At railroad grade crossing, signs of warnings were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with words,"Stop,look,listen". They meant that the train could be roaring down the tracks you had better be alert. 
  I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a girl and boy were speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moves ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. WE looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, follow by the ambulance. The boy and the girl were both dead. The road  they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, and listen. It all happens in an instant. 

The better way to Be is the way of this nine Be's 
The Years will inevitably pass, pass quickly. Today is your day of resolutions. Promise yourself to make something good of your precious life."