Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Medical Schools

University Hawaii at Monoa Honolulu, HI

  1. Honolulu, HI

      2.   Need a 3 years of college work

3.  What you need 
  • Phd
  • masters 
4. Study at there own time 

5. Tuition 
  • $10,344
  • $11,164
6. i would not apply or go this college because i don't like it 

Monday, October 24, 2016


  I would love to travel to Spain and Egypt because those are the places that get my attention. Also because my mom would like to visit Egypt as she told me i was surprised because i never thought she would be interested. I thought she would say to go back to Mexico. I had visit Mexico Guadalajara and i went to this one place called Las Pilitas with my cousins. It was  good experience because we had to go hiking first to get to the bottom. When we reach our destination my aunts told me that there was pools down there on that corner next to the giant rock. 

Image result for las pilitas guadalajara

Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to remember peoples names 


  1. Meet and repeat
  2. Spell it out
  3. Associate
  4. Make connections
  5. Choose to care

  1. Understand the importance of using an others person names 
  2. Be aware 
  3. Ask for there names 3 times 
  4. use repetition 
  5. make associations 
  6. Associate the name with objects and animals 
  7. Study the person face 
  8. Ask a friend to help you 
  9. Trust yourself 
  10. Write it down 
  11. consider asking

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I've seen the debate on Sunday and it makes me think that trump has no way chance to be president however, he does have good ideas economic wise. In addition, to what he says about how immigrants that they should be send back to where they migrated because they are the once who caused problems and thats why people stay ignorant and poor. It got me mad about what he said about women that they should be like slaves on a leash , like no that was so offensive to many women and others who care about women. Because knowing from the past women didnt have the equal rights like men did. It was hard for them to do stuff and i know many women wouldnt want to be like house wives . Women suffered a lot back then and still do and i think its unfair to those because many women wished to be independent and still have the motive to do things by themselves without needing any help by men. Also, if clinton wins the citizens would be like slaves under the government. So I find it pretty interesting how its going to turn out to be here in the U.S. for the next 4 years. 

How to win friends and influence

How to win friends and influence People

Six ways to make people like you.

1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
"Do this and you will be welcome anywhere"
"You can make more friends in 2 months by becoming interested with others
"Ask questions to other people"

To be known or trying to be known you need to be friendly and outgoing. You also need to be out there such as me i think i am a person who can talk to anybody. I could be shy,but it wont stop me from me trying to get to know so one. Also, say that there was a new girl and she didn't talk to know one i would step up and talk to her to make her feel welcome. For me its easy to start a conversation and making people laugh. Also, it always a good thing to make people feel like they can trust you when they need a hand. There are many personalities out there and i could talk to any one i dont judge. I think everyone deserves to be themselves not someone there trying to be just to fit in. So many people are different and have in common or may not have lots in common. Throughout my life  experiences  i have met many personalities that i genuinely enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them. It is a good feeling meeting new people because then they can also be there for you when you need them. 

Image result for quotes about become genuinely interested in others
 This picture is telling us that we have lots in common with other people around the world that may be some ups or downs but we stay united with one another.
Quote: "People just need to see others for what they are, They need to stop thinking , there is an agenda behind everything". 

Reflection: I think that this quote is saying that do not judge nor assume how people are you need to walk on there shoes for you to understand what they are going through.


" Actions speak louder then words"
"You dont feel like smiling , Then force yourself to smile"
"IT creates happiness in homes , fosters good will in business and is countersign of friends".

Just by a smile brings many people happy. It also shows your mood which it would be a happy attitudes and it may be helpful for others as well cause everyone deserves to smile. A smile can do alot to just one person. For instance, say your very close friend is having a bad day and you try your hardest just to see her happy and you want her/him to have a wide open smile. Also, when your feeling blue the best thing to do is to talk it out with someone you trust and make sure to have a laugh and to forget whats going through your mind with negative thoughts. If your walking by and people stare at you its polite to stare back with a smile ,so they could know that your a really happy person who brings a smile to everyone. Like me i am like that i smile to everyone because its something that i do and we should all do. Its better to see more smiling faces then so them all blue. Everyone has a beautiful smile that should be pass on. Its best if we help one another because sometimes people need that little push and they would be thankful for it. A smile can do alot for those in needs it shows them that we care and we will help them become a better person in life. 

Image result for smile quotes
 I picked this image because when your happy you smile and think to yourself i love living.
Quote: "Always wear a smile because your smile is the reason for many others to smile :) "

Reflection: I picked this quote because i agree with it because you should pass on a smile to everyone.
                                                     .3 Remember names

1."A man name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language 
2."If you dont remember names , you are headed for trouble"

I think that remembering names is important because then how would you call them if you need something or you want to tell/ask them something. For me i think its easy to remember the names, yet i confuse them but i remember them. When you want to meet someone you need to be polite and kinda introduce yourself in a kind way. This always happens to me when i meet someone new i start a conversation and the when we are saying our goodbyes i ask them whats there name it was nice to meet them. I know it might sound cheesy , but at least i can have a decent conversation. You should always remember there names its also a way of showing that you cared and you want to be friends with them.

Image result for quotes about remember names

I picked this picture because i thought it was funny because eventually once you become really close to them and your calling them and he/she are too far away so you will be yelling there name.

Quote:"forgive your enemies, but never forget there names"

Reflection: I selected this because i agree what President Jon Kennedy

4. Be a good listener encourage others to talk about themselves

  1. 'If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener" 
  2. "Remember that man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and he wants his problems than he is in you and your problems. 
I think that its important to be listening because then it shows that you are caring and it shows how your going to help them out if they have a problem. For instance, say that you barely met someone and your starting to get to know them they start telling you how life its treating them or maybe they want to do something ,but there not sure so thats when you come in and you encourage them. Also, it tells you how the person is because many people listen ,but they interrupt and talk about themselves instead of listening. Others do listen and try to give them feed back and try to inspire them. Thats why its important to be a good listener cause they will respect you and always try to go up to you when they need help.
Image result for be a good listener quotes

Quote: "A good listener truly wants to know the speaker"
by: John Powell 
Reflection: I picked this quote because that is true if you want to get to know someone you need to have your ears open. 

5. Talk in terms of the man's interest

1.The royal road to a mans heart is to talk yo him about things he treasures most"
I think that in order for you to get to know a person you need to be interested and really dedicated to that person because it shows how much you be willing to care for them. Because the way i see it if you really want to know that person you will try do everything to get to know what they like, what they dislike, what gets them mad, there favorite food,etc. That's when you'll be very attach to him/her and you will never forget about that person because you spend most of your life with them when you are feeling blue.
Image result for talk in terms of the other person's interests quotes
Quote: "if you always do what interest you, at least one person is pleased"
Reflection: i agree in this quote because that is true if you want to be interested in someone and you will start getting to know that person then they will be pleased.

6. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely 

I think that this is very important because if you make a person feel less they would not want to be your friend. Also, its important to be very friendly to the person you want to be friends with and since your barely starting to get to know that person you want a really good first impression. This brings the other tips to make a person like you that you want to meet. For instance, i think for me this 6 rules will help me improve my socializing with others and i know i will gain more trust and make more  friends. Because i like meeting new people and its easy for me to start a conversation. I also like listening to there stories and asking question as well because i like to be very open and try to advice them in whatever i can, because honestly its important to be there for them when they need a shoulder to lean on.
Image result for make the other person feel important and do it sincerely
 I picked this picture because everyone is different and the with the help with others you fit right in.
Quote:"Make me feel important"
Reflection: this quote means that a person needs you and they dont want to feel useless

                  Final Reflection: 

Through out this 6 rules i think there important because i think its important to be out there and getting to know new people everyday. However you need to make sure that your being friendly, and a positive person when your talking to them. For instance, being a good listener is a good way of showing that you care and your attentive to what there saying. Also, dont be boring also have a little laugh as you start getting to know them. Another thing i want to add on is to remember there names because intentionally you will forget there names or mess up there name by calling them a different name. Its good if you get interested to them because they know you care about them and they know that your making sure that they matter. For me i think this will be beneficial to help me improve of getting to know someone. It will help me alot because maybe i should take this rules into consideration. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Medical School

1.Albany Medical CollegeAlbany,New York

2. Need at least 3 years of college work
Following along with
  • General biology or zoology
  • General chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Physics 
3. Degrees offered 
  • Md
  • Phd
  • Md-phm
4. Area of study/Specialization 
At the own time 

5. Tuition:

Tuition: ($53,581 vs. $54,909

Image result for albany medical college

7. I dont think I would like to come here because it didnt catch my attention. However, it is a great school ,but its not for me. 

Life Planning 100+  Goals Journal




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Self- Evaluations: When read and write down my goals I just don't write them just because, but I write them with a lot of passion. So every time i read my goals i get happy because i do imagine myself achieving the my goals. I also, am prod of myself when I write victory on the one i already achieve it motivates me to complete my others goals. Yet the ones i still do not accomplish are still in progress and i will achieve them. I think it's a good thing that i read my goals to refresh my memory on the stuff i want to achieve.