Block: 14 Skill
"A knowlegede of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."
Reflection: This block is that you need to have skill in order to be condition on things you need to succeed. Skills is important because without skills you wont be good at what your doing. For instance, people who work at a fast food there were condition to be doing the hamburgers and that practicing turns into a skill because they already know what to do and they work fast. Also, when you have a skill on doing something that you are really good at then it should be easy for you to get something out of i t.
Quote" Continue to study and learn new things."
Reflection: This quote can encourage many people to study something and really understand it because if you didnt understand then you didnt learn.
Block:15 Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."
Reflection: Team Spirit is important because your team need to motivate you into bettering yourself. Because you guys are a team that all created and bond its like your second family. Without team spirit you will be struggling on stuff you need to get help on. Team Spirit is something that everyone should have because it will help them feel better on doing stuff and you feel that your team will never fail. It can your family cheering for you on one of your last games to show support. Also, when your in a fun game such as playing checkers, bingo, dodge ball, basketball ect, your family and friends and team mates will support you.
Quote: " We're all in this together"
Reflection: This quote is saying that whatever it is you and your team mates are going through you will get out together.
Block:16 Honesty
"In thought in action"
Reflection; This Block is important because honesty is a way of showing that you are committed in a team, relationship, work,and friends. For instance, at work say your working foe a magazine and you being selfish about it you betray your own company by giving ideas to another brand magazine. That shows that you are not being honest to yourself nor work. In a relationship you need to be honest to each other because then you wont have any trust and your relationship would end up dying just like a flower without sunlight and water. Also, you have to be honest to your family because what if your being bullied and you dont have friends to tell you have to be strong and honest to your family because there the ones who are going to be there for you. You need to be honest to your friends because you wouldnt want them to find out something you said behind there backs. Thats why its important to to be honest to yourself and others.
Quote: "Being honest never hurts anyone, but being a liar only hurts you"
Reflection: This quote means that when you lie you hurt yourself because your becoming someone your not and it's easier for you to lie.
Block: 17 Resourcefulness
Block:18 Poise
" Just be yourself. Being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant baring in a person.
Reflection: Poise means an graceful person that appreciates anything they have. Also, an action you do that is simple and a really good idea that works out the way you want it. For instance having a good appearance on stuff or how you dress. Having good well manners by not judging books by there cover. Meaning that you will not change your way to
Block:19 Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."
Reflection:Confidence is a important role for a human character. Its important because when you have confidence is like your own world turned into a big pile of cloud 9. Because you feel very accountable towards the stuff you will succeed in. Also, in stuff that you want to accomplish for example, having the bravery to talk to your boss into giving you a promotion because you dedicated so much into your position and not only you helped your boss set new ideas for things to turn out great. Without confidence you be tuck in a world that is not expected of everything is giving by hand. What i mean by that is that many people have the idea that everything is easy and everything is expected to be given in hand or there use to things led o to an easy way out. Confidence is also important because it builds you courage and makes you think positive. Such as, I can do it. I believe in myself, i can't back down, keep on going, never give up ect. All of this positive quotes inspire people and will get them to succeed. This is why i think confidence is important.
Quote:" Self confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it."
Reflection: This quote means that when you feel confident you own it and motivate yourself and imagine yourself achieve it.
Block: 20 Reliability
Creates respect
Reflection: This block is telling the reader to be reliable on things you say for instance you telling your friend that you'll be volunteering and you never showed up. Being reliable is important because you will earn respect and trust and also you will become a better person. You will succeed in life because everybody will want you to do the work becaause they know that you will do it and try your best. Also, say that you and your classmates are doing a project and its time to go home and they tell you to hold on to the project because they trust that you will be here and you will keep it safe. Also, they will respect you because they know you are a hard working person who keeps on achieving.
Quote: " A person who lacks reliability is utterly useless"
Reflection: This means that if you cant rely on a person you shouldn't even tell them to do you a favor.
Block: 21 Fight
Determine effort
Reflection: This doesn't mean the one you get into problems and try to cause kayos with other people you don't,but the one who fights for what they believe in. When you fight yourself you may be fighting for others too , but they are too afraid to stand up for themselves. How the African american's stood up for themselves when the white were treating them like animals. For instance, when you fight for something that you believe in and encourage others you will get what you want and so will they. Fighting for something such as getting a promotion or fighting for your equal rights. Many people all over the world fight for what they want and it's hard because there is a lot of hard things for the process in order to achieve of getting what you want you need to be determine and confident that you will achieve whatever it is.
Quote: " You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life."
Reflection: This quote is telling me that there is going to be days where you would want to give up, but really the thing that should keep you moving is you imagining yourself fighting for what you want.
Block:22 Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
Reflection: When you are competitive is a good thing because it shows that you will try your hardest on never giving up. Also, say your in any kind of sport championship and there you determine whether you are competitive or not. Being competitive shows a great characteristics of yourself it shows that you are prepared of anything coming your way and you can handle anything. For instance say that your playing basketball and your team is losing form 4 points away and you had set your mind before that at least score 20 points before the end of the game. That is being competitive because your stepping your game of proving yourself that you can achieve with the help of yourself and others. It's also a great feeling that you know your being competitive and playing smart having fun without rubbing it on others people faces. IT will also get you more friends and jobs because who wouldnt want to higher a person who keeps on trying and developing.
Quote: " Perform your best when your required. Your best is required each day."
Reflection: This quote means that its a must that you bring your competitive each day because you will succeed in life.
Block:23 Integrity
" Purity of intention."
Reflection: Integrity means the quality pf being honest,and having strong morals principals moral uprightness. In order to be integrity is that you need to be determine on you stuff and truthful to yourself that you believe in yourself. Integrity shows that you are attentive on the stuff you want to achieve. For instance, you can build integrity by developing relationships that will help you because you gave a good character of being honest. If your not honest with yourself then your probably not honest with others. Its important that your honest with yourself because it will help you understand more about you and you will have many more friends because they know that they can count on you. Furthermore, its important because if your in a relationship and your not honest with them it can lead to bad things so is better if your honest so you would not harm one another. Also, it can help others by you showing the right.
" Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching."
Reflection: This means that you do not need to pretend and show that you do care when other people are around. No matter where you go show integrity to yourself and others.
Block: 24 Faith
Believe and Achieve
Having faith is believing in yourself that you can achieve your goals. It can be having faith in others such as a mother to a son having faith that they can be reunited together. It can also be an example of the future for instance a couple who has faith in each other promising they will make it in life together by pursuing there dreams. Another example is trusting yourself to do something such as rock climbing and believing that you will get to the top of the mountain. On the other hand, it also can be religion wise how Moises had faith and his people who did not give on god because they knew that he will come and save them from being slaves to those in Egypt. Adding on, still today people are religious and have faith on Jesus and God because many of us pray to the lord for forgiveness, or a thank you to the lord for everyday giving them life and foods or even blessings all because we have faith. Above it all, faith is important to me because thats when you know you can trust yourself into achieving your goals.
Quote: "
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy".
By: Norman Vincent Peale
Reflection: This quote means that inorder to succeed your goals you need to believe in yourself.
Block: 25 Patience
good things take time
Reflection: Having patience is the most important thing that everyone should have because you can control yourself on waiting. Many people are not patient on stuff they want to achieve that is one of the reasons why they fail. You can be patience towards love, job, goals,education, friends, family etc.,if you have patience with one of this things you will be more than happy that you waited. For instance, say that your waiting on a call for the job you got interviewed, but you start having no patience and you start making a scene. Also, when you get pulled out of class to talk to your counselor and there are other students waiting too ,so you just leave out of the room. adding on, if you been an relationships before and none of them seemed to work out they way you both wanted and you start thinking that your not good enough or you are getting tired of waiting for that someone to sweep you off your feet. In my opinion i think if you have patience you will succeed and already have others goals that you want to accomplish.
Quote: "Patience is bitter, its fruit is sweet".
Reflection: What the quote is trying to tell the reader is that yes having patience can be hard and stressful. However, when you wait and keep on waiting to achieve one day it will come and you will be very happy that you had patience not giving up and laziness.
Pyramid of Success Final Reflection
Reflection: Each word means something positive that implies examples in life. It can be beneficial to everyone because it will help you in life and will make a difference. For instance, Skill is very because it means you master something and your good at. Such as having the skill on talking in front of an audience. The one that implies to me is loyalty because once i promise something i know that i would not break it. Also, because i do not betray others for others. I think that everyone should consider in learning about the words because everyone deserves to succeed in life. I would incorporate this to people because I care for each and every one of them and i would advice them to do there best because i wouldnt it want them to fail . Above all the blocks teach you to become a better person with yourself and others which is why its important to to imply them into your life.