Monday, December 5, 2016

10 keys to Personal Power

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Brian Tracy 

Key 1: Clarity

"Have a vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have a clear specific goals in life, you are doom forever to work for others." 

Reflection: I think that it's important to know what your goals are, and to have a plan of how are you going to achieve your goals. Also, its important to visualize yourself  achieving your goals because it tells you that you can do it or it motivates you to become a better person. It will help others to think of you as a role model because you motivated millions of people.This first key will help many young adults to start valuing there free time on thinking about how you want succeed in life with the help family and friends. Personally created my 100 goals is a good thing that will help be achieve my goals and its an useful tool to remember all the goals that i will achieve. 

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Quote: " Finding clarity id eliminating options, and aligning with values"

Reflection; This quote means that you should know what your doing and value the time you have to make something good of it.

Key 2: Competence 

" If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work the better you get." 

Reflection: This key is telling me that without having confidence you wont be able to do things right. Also, that the harder you work the more greater things in life will happen. This also means that if your willing to  put an effort  you will; succeed in life. No matter how competitive life gets it's always best if you try then not to because at the end of the day you will not be in an happy mood. Therefore, there always going to be that one time were you will do great in something and you will feel proud. That's why its important for you to choose the right and get things done. Its best if you don't procrastinate.

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Quote: Competence, like truth, beauty, and contact lenses, is in the eye of the beholder. Laurence J. Peter

Reflection; This quote is saying that it's important to look clearly and deeply

Key 3: Concentration

"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything." 

Reflection: This key is saying that it's important to be focus on the stuff you want to get done.For instance, your teacher informed you that there will be a home test and already students 
are excited because they can be home with there friends and they can cause a distraction. The  sad thing is that it's timed so you need to be focus and try not to fool around as much. Another example is that you have to be paying attention and be taking notes because your friend told you if you can help because she will no be there for the lesson. This is important because it helps you become very good at staying focus and finishing whatever you want to accomplish. Also, it helps improve your skills on getting things done on time not procrastinating. This will help more because instead letting time pass i should be taking advantage on my own time that i have to get things done, so i would not have to do later on in the future. 

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Quote: "concentration is the secret of strength" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflection: This quote means that concentration is important because it builds up you from becoming an well skilled person. 

Key 4:Common Sense 

  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition 
  • learn from seat backs
Reflection:  This key means that you need to think things through even if your having a bad day or a good day. It's important to have common sense in stuff because you never know how its easy things will be if you actually understand the process. That's why there is 4 important process that will help you get through your life. Training your mind is important because your slowly making notice to your brain that to take things into consideration. The part of thinking things through is important because you are thinking about whats is best for you or even when your friends are inviting you to choose the wrong you need to think and make sure your choosing the right. Listen to your intuition this means that you need to be open minded and listen to who ever is trying to help you. Learn from seatbacks means that you learn from your mistakes and make sure you build a up yourself to become a better person. 

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Quote:" It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. "Franklin D. Roosevelt

Reflection: This quotes means that you should take chances and if you fail you get back up and you try again and learn from your mistakes. 

 Key 5: Creativity 

"Except the fact that every human being is genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions. 

Reflection: This means that everyone has a special ability to do things. It is a good thing that everyone is creative and i did not know that the people who ask more questions are the more creative. Thats why i stopped to think that it is true because referring back i remember ones my friend was asking so many questions and i kept on looking at her and i thought that she probably got off her comfort zone. I personally like when people show there creativity because many of us don't have good ideas and maybe that helps us get new ideas. For instance, with kids children have a very great creativity because they have so many things going on with there heads that sometimes it becomes a talent of theres. For me i think creativity is important because you can express yourself in so many different ways. Also, how it can describe what kind of person are you and what can you do with small things that you can create. 

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Quote:" Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep".  
By: Scott Adams

Reflection: This means that you can create new things without having plans and make its okay to make mistakes. Also, that art is way that you can express yourself and your creativity. 

Key 6: Consideration

"The quality of your relationship with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening speaking."
"if you were to learn one new word a day ,within 5 years you will be best educated person in history."


I think that consideration means that when you take an opportunity in mind or when someone is telling you that ill recommend you should take this because it can be beneficial. For instance, say your going to the doctor and the doctor states that it'd be best if you start exercising so it can prevent pain in your body. Also, when your friend is trying to help you and give you advice because you been stressing to much and she tells that you should join a yoga class with her and i think that would help her get away from her stress. Take consideration on things that you know that it's going to be beneficial and not harmful for your present. When i consider something to someone i know that it will change someone else is mind but in a good way and it will help them at the end of the day. Consideration is important because i personally think it gives people hope on succeeding in there life. I think its a good thing that when people have an opportunity when a person tells the other consider it as a job they should take it because now in days is hard to get a job. 


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" A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference."
by. Eeyore


I think this means that consideration is when you try to help people in their needs.

key 7: Consistency 

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationship, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that can people can upon. that if you say you'll do something you do it." 

Reflection: The word consistency means to me that you are responsible with your time and you know how to manage it wisely.Also, its important because you have to make sure your on time and organized with the things you have to get done. For instance, my teacher was telling us that he has 3 other jobs because he needs to pay bills and he still manage to have time to be with friends and be on vacations, and its a great feeling and easy when you are consistent with your  time. Another example is is never being tardy with your bills because there the most important. Consistency brings happiness to many people like friends,family,boss,co-workers etc. because it shows that you are very responsible and you give them a hand when there most needed it shows a positive character of yours. I will continue using Consistency to be a steady responsible person. 

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"Lack of consistency can bring the lack of interest." 

Reflection; This quote means that when people don't take in consideration seriously others would not take you serious because it shows what can of person are you.

Key: 8 Courage 

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

Reflection: Courage means that you need to confidence on what you believe in and you need to take a risk on failure because then you will learn from your mistakes. Having courage is important because it is a good thing if some one has courage and you will have many opportunity. For instance, when your in an auditions and the instructor asks for volunteers and your the only one who takes because you want to win and be successful. No matter how life gets its best if you have confidence and courage to take risk of opportunities you will have in the future. Courage will help your will of being in a good way because shows that your not afraid to fail, but to learn from your failure. Another example is when you need courage to do something you always love doing, but no one knows about your talent it takes courage to come out of the closet. Every one will face a risk that they will have to take and have to have courage to succeed and move on with your life. 

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Quote: "Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." by: Bruce Lee

Reflection: This quote means that you need to have courage to move along with your life. 

Key 9: Courage 

"the fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life" 
Reflection: This means that you have commitment to things you want to accomplish in life. Courage means to me that you your not afraid to take risk at any time. Everyone needs courage to show the world that they are special. 

Key:10 Confidence

" You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."
Reflection:Having confidence brings out the real in you because it show what kind of person you are. Many people dont have confidence there shy to get out there personality. Confidence is important because you will gain a lot of success in life because of confidence. Everyone at one point has confidence whether it can be on the test, presentation, job interview,asking a girl out , pretty much anything that you fear and you want to take a risk for it and if it turns out bad then it be okay because life is not perfect. When you tell yourself to be confident its a good thing because your the one who will always bring yourself up. 

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Quote: " The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence."


Write a final all-encompassing reflection about 10 keys to personal Power.

This 10 personal key power will be beneficial to me because it will help me become a better person that will help me succeed in life. The one that its most important to me is the one with having confidence at all time. Which i need to start working on more because i never really didnt have confidence about myself. I was always that one girl who would be shy to talk or ask a question in class when i didnt understand the method. All of these keys will help me grow and become a very good person that will help me teach others about how great it feels to have this keys in your life. I will continue using them in my life because i think it will push me to competitive in life because if you really want something you will be committed. Because all the words have a positive meaning about bringing yourself up. 

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