Thursday, November 3, 2016



Every week is different, however it's the same people you see everyday. The more i think about high school the more faster the year is going by fast. Next thing you know I'm going to head to college and start thinking about what am i going to pursue. It is scary knowing that you will be more independent and have to be responsible on your own actions. But that is the way life is and its a competition that's why it's very important to be committed on getting what you want and what's best for you. Sometimes you will have to take a risk sometimes life will come bad but you have to not let it get to you , you need to change the bad from good. Once you do that you will be determine and think life is great that there is no one to stop you from what you want to do. Even though life it's going to be hard and i know it's going to be hard for everyone but you need to keep on going reaching for your goal to make it in life not want to be someone who going to be wasting your time and energy. Also, having a good healthy life with those who will support and motivate you from the beginning to the end and who will always be there when your in need, It' important for you to make sure who is going to be a part of your life.

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