Thursday, November 3, 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Habit 1: Be proactive 

 "habit 1 is the key unlocking all the other habits and thats why it comes first. It says "I am the captain of my life. I can choose mt attitude. Im responsible for  my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the drivers seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Reflection: Being proactive means to be active. It can be by playing a sport, joining a club, making new friends, getting a job, and volunteering for your environment. Also,its something that you will want because your making yourself feel good and maybe others because your their motivation. It brings positive attitudes and good vibes to you and others. Such as, being there for your own self and once you achieve on what you want to do you then you can help others on what they want to accomplish. Say you go to volunteer at a hospital and your helping the nurses out to make it easier for them.

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Quote:"happiness like unhappiness is a proactive choice"

Reflection: I choose this quote because i agree its your choice to be active and do stuff that make you happy and others.

Habit 2: Begin with an end in mind 

"control your own destiny or someone will."
"when you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now."

 Reflection: i think this means that you need to have a plan and that plan needs an good ending. For instance, your making a sketch for an skyscraper and your in the process of finishing you will need to decide for what it will be useful. Also, say your going to plan a wedding and it's like a story with not an ending yet but there will be predictions of an ending. In addition, many people don't do endings thats why there projects end up crashing and not working because it needs to be beneficial. That's why its important to create your own future to plan and set goals and stops that leads to rules in order 
for you to accomplish your achievement. To also be aware on what your getting yourself into because it's your future who you are involving. Make that as a habit of yours to create something you wish for but remember to set an ending.
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Quote; " A goal without a plan is just a wish"
by: anonymous

Reflection: I choice this quote because if you wish you wont do anything but if you tell yourself you will , you will accomplish anything you want.

Habit 3: Put first thing first 

"organized and execute around priorities"
 Reflection: What i think about this habit is that you need to plan something that you will always keep growing and you will have to put the priority of that something your building on to. Its important to always try your best on things because you never know it will be useful at the end of the day. Adding on you need to have your mind set on things  you want to accomplish and keep on moving forward if you want to succeed. If you ever get stuck on something its best if you add up all your ideas because no ideas are bad.
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Quote" The key is not to prioritize , whats on your schedule but no schedule your priorities"
Reflection: this means that always choose your priorities first doesnt matter how long it takes you.

Habit 4: Think Win-win 

"think win win or no deal"

If you have your mind set on positive things and positive attitude about yourself you will achieve your goals and you will always feel like a winner. For instance, if you have friends that do not support you or do not believe that you wont make it in life you do not agree with them you keep doing what you are trying to achieve with those who do believe in you. If your always thinking about winning its a great feeling because you feel like you can complete anything you put your heart into. Its important to think win win because that means you believe in yourself and its great because what if you have no one that believes in you and you only have yourself and you will inspire those who are independent and those who want to be independent. Even though in life you wont always win but if you had put an effort you certainly will feel like a true winner. 

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Quote: " You have to know you can win"
            " You have to think you can win"
             " You have to feel you can win"
Reflection: This quote is stating that without believing in yourself you will not win you need to put your heart into whatever you want to do.

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

From understanding about this habit is that you need to be respectful and listening in order for you to understand. For instance say you are buying new contacts different from the ones you used before you can not just get them and put them on you need to read the instructions and labels so you can know what to do and understand. Also, when your with friends and they try to explain something to you because they are asking for your help obviously you will be attentive and try to help them out. Another example can be if your an a sport and the coach is explaining a new plan for next game you need to understand the new concept in order to win the next game you will have. There times when someone is misunderstood and thats why its important to know how to explain for those to understand.
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Quote: "Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who listen more than talking"
 Reflection: I picked this quote because its true about how many of people who made it in life are the ones who pay attention and get things done with no distraction.

 Habit 6: Synergize

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" 
For habit six i think it means that you need to be organized and understand what your doing to your plans. Because you don't expect a math teacher teaching his or her students without the teacher knowing the concept. The meaning of synergize is when people gather and help each other when they need. An example for that is when your having trouble on playing basketball and you get your hopes down and a group of your team mates are supporting you and would not let you stay behind because they believe you can improve. I think synergize it's an important rile of charateristic because it shows that you are willing to work hard.
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Habit 7: Sharpen the saw 

The four Dimensions of self- Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual,Social/Emotional

Reflection: In order for you to do great in life you need to plan for necessary needs. Even though there will be things in life that something will happen like if it was your bad day ever. Eventually things happen ,but that shouldn't effect you from still planning your ideas that will make a change in life. There will be steps were you have to work your tail off in order to have skills to succeed. It also involves mental skills where you have to use your critical thinking in order to solve a problem or when your adding another goal you need to have plans not just a plan. It also involves being social with others connecting and having good people who will want to be in part of your project what ever it is , but you also need for them to earn trust to one another. If you know what your doing and you have no mistakes and everything will turn out to come out perfect just like you planed 

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 Quote: "The first thing i do i the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue."

by: Donothy Parker 

Reflection: This quote states that she knows what procedure and knows that its necessary to do important things that a human needs to do everyday. 

Reflection: Based on "The 7 Habits Effective People" 

 This  7 habits will help me a lot because its like a stress relief.Also, it can help in the future because i will have more patients and more ideas that will help support my main ideas. It will help me on created more goals that will be beneficial to me and others. Adding on, i will not only start making sure that ill do these 7 habits ,but to also help others into doing the right thing because i think it will be useful for them and it will be a life changing. I think it's good when you are being proactive because it shows what kind of person you are. For instance, say you are volunteering at church then you will grow in a very happy person. Also, like in sports you are being proactive with having fun and getting to meet your goals because some athletes want to become professionals and it takes a lot of practice and motivation on never giving up. How i stated before this 7 habits are going to be useful in my life because it will help me in my future. 

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