Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Six Attitudes Principals 
Image result for john r noe
"The six Attitudes of high achievers"

1. Make no smalls plans
 Reflection: Its better to think big and to have back up plans. How people say the bigger its better, meaning whatever you plan to do it has to be big so it can be worth it. In addition to having other plans say you planned a presentation to the senior class to think about ideas of the activity not only just have one idea what the senior class should do. Its better if you have multiple ideas  because others may not like the idea of your specific activity you want to do. Also, it includes when your about to be off to college. Such as choosing your top 5 colleges you want to go and you need to be prepared for weather you been approved or decline. So you got to make sure that you have other options. Involving work what if your mom wants you to work with her,but you have already recommended a better job that pays more. Making a good plan its helpful in life you just dont want say what life throws you or maybe like whatever happens happens. You got to make it happen you got to make sure you have a big plan and others plans to back up your plan. Also, it is better to have back up plans because what if something goes wrong. Its important to make big plans because its beneficial to you and others. 

Image result for make no small plansby: Daniel Burnham
Quote: "Make no little plans"
Reflection: This quote means to think big and go wild on your ideas and to have big plans in 
your future. 

2.Do what they fear 
Reflection: I think this means that you need to take a risk. To have courage and whatever you fear you need to not fear it. For instance, say that you fear on touching a snake and all your friends are trying to help you saying that you'll be fine. So they take you out to a place where you can touch a snake. You arrive and your all nervous and trying to back down ,but you cant because you also want to get over this fear. Your friends bring the snake as well as the instructor and telling you to at least touch and you do. You start liking it now you hold it and there is nothing to be fear of no more. Taking a risk as in climbing a mountain and having the fear of not making it to the top or falling down. However, you should never give up if you fall you get right back up and you keep on trying. The greatest thing about having a fear  achieving it and to be fearless because you now what to expect. Also, it a great feeling completing and knowing how hard you worked on your fear. Im afraid of the ocean and i know one day i will not. I will just have to try my best to not think about it and take a risk.

                                                             Image result for do what they fear quotes
Quote: "Fear is the path of the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. "-Yoda 
 Reflection: I picked this quote because i agree with it and and its true because if you keep fearing and not achieving your going to get frustrated and giving up and that is not good.
3." Are we willing to prepare"
I think everyone is prepared in reality they just need to set there mind in pure positive mood. Because if you dont you'll be trapped and afraid of what the world wants to bring you. Also, its better if you think that you will become someone in your life you just got to believe in yourself. You got to have close people who will support you one-hundred percent. Being prepare causes responsibility to yourself and creates that characteristics of your own. What i mean by that is always being prepared creates a new habit of yours and its a really good thing because you will be ready for life. Although, there can be problems about giving up that you thought you can be ready but thats only your negativity in your head trying to stop you from becoming something you want to achieve. When i think about being prepared i think about how easy it can be. If I have a positive mind and people who will support me , but some times how i said before your negative mind kicks in and is telling you that you can't do this , what were you thinking.  That's why it's important to have those close friends and family with you to help you. 

Image result for being prepared quotes 
   Quote:"Being ready is no enough you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change."by: Pat Riley
Reflection: Based on this quote i think that you have to be prepared for any opportunity in life that comes and to take advantage of it.
4.Are we willing to risk failure
I think that taking a risk is something that you will have to go through no matter if you fail or not. If you take a risk and you set for failure at least you can say that you took a risk and you tried. For instance, say your rock climbing and you get stuck but there is only one way out and its risky. You will need to take the chance or else your going to be stuck there with no ones help. I think im willing to take a risk. Because i need to be prepared of whats next and whats going to happen even if i failed i will learn from my mistake and try again. Its all about taking a risk and being prepared to whatever happens.No one can tell the future they just can make assumptions and predictions. What I'm saying is that if you really want to do something and your committed you go for it and take a risk.Its like having an experience of an adventure with lots of accomplishments and making mistakes. If you fail there is a high chance that you will become a stronger person.
Image result for willing to take a risk of failure quotes
Quote: "Only those who risk of going too far can possibly figure out how far someone can go".
Reflection: As I read this quote i thought about how anyone can just take a risk and they can do something out of it and teach others from there taking a risk experience was like. 
5.Are Teachable 
The fist thing that pops inside my head is lesson learned. Or someone is trying to teach you a lesson and trying to help you from there experience. For instance, say you want to drop out in college and you have second plan of going to New York or Texas to start all over and get away from things, and problems. However, you are still undecided and you meet this person who had the same thing going on but the only difference is that they actually left to start all over. The person is telling it maybe a bad idea because the way he went thru it was not the way it was planned. On the bright side with everyone is different , you may have  a chance or everything could go wrong. Basically what im trying to say is that whatever your plan is you go for it no matter if you really want to. Just know that experiences is a good way to teach some one a lesson. 
Image result for are teachable quotes
I picked this image because its saying that life experiences are a way to teach you a lesson.
Quote: "Tell me and i forget.
Teach me and i remember. Involve me and i learn."
by: Benjamin Franklin 
Reflection: I picked this quote because it related to me and my perspective of what i learn. 
6. Have Heart
This means to me that everyone has a heart and everyone different in my perspective some are similar but some different. Although for me i feel like i am an very outing, caring person. I care to much to see others happy and not see them blue. I think its important to have a heart because then it shows you have potential in yourself and others. Its also important because when you need something and all you have done is to be nice and kind to the world something amazing will come to you when you need help. Also, that your a very loving person who always expects the best out of everything and no matter what life hits you in your  always in a good mood and your trying to get the best in life. Its great to have a heart because others can say wow i wish i was like you , you seem very happy in life. They look up to you and they will try to be like you and they would want you to get them tips of how you do it in life. How to control yourself when life gets tough. 
Image result for have heart quotes
I picked this picture because it relates to me because i see, to care alot.
Quote: "to have a heart is to be fully awake and truly alive"
Reflection: I picked this quote because it means that you have t be open minded about everything and go for it with a good positive in you. 

Final Reflection: 
On the High Achievers I learned that with this 6 attitudes lead to being an over achiever. For instance,say that you already finish your project and your all set ,but you still feel like working on more.So you remember you could do extra credit and you do it just cause you want the extra points and want to proof others that you can still keep on going.Also, when you want advice from someone and they tell you what they been through from there experience. I will use this six attitudes for myself because it will help me become a better person. I will want to set an example to my younger siblings and teach them whats best for them and what techniques they should use.Also, teach friends to become high achievers and explain to them why is it important. It will be very inspiring for me and to them to past on the words for the best of human kind. I know that this 6 attitude are very beneficial to me and everyone because it will help you in the future.  

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