Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Vacation in Mexico
During the summer i was very excited because i knew i was going to go to Mexico Guadalajara with my sister. When were on our way to the airport there was massive traffic and i was getting annoyed because my little sister was bugging me and i thought we were going to be late for our flight because we still needed to go through the check up. When we got there is a relief but we still had to go through the checking and the bad part id that they threw my baby lotion away because it was to big for a carry on. It was time for our flight i was really sleepy so i took a nap. Once we got there i was super siked waiting to see my aunts. When i got there the first thing me and my sister did was sleep because we we tired for waking up early and since the time is 2 hours ahead even more because i wasnt use to it. The good thing about it was spending my first year there on my 17 birthday they did me food and brought me cake. Later that night we went to go buy ice cream and the ice cream of peach was so good and i added chocolate for the topping. The reason why we went to GDL was because for religion ocation a big festival called the Holy Super. It was my third year going and experience new things and meeting new people around the world. 

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